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picture1_Education Pdf 112492 | V2 Ch2 3

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File: Education Pdf 112492 | V2 Ch2 3
chapter 2 3 secondary education 2 3 1 secondary education serves as a bridge expenditure incurred has been to the tune of rs between elementary and higher education and 2 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Chapter secondary education serves as a bridge expenditure incurred has been to the tune of rs between elementary and higher crore prepares young persons age group for entry into focus in ninth plan was on reducing disparities renewal curricula with population children emphasis vocationalisation employment senior oriented courses expansion diversification level estimated at million open learning system reorganisation teacher projected by national sample survey training greater use information organisation however enrolment communication technology hostel facilities girls figures show that only were integrated disabled free attending schools which means two etc have also received attention during thirds eligible remains out this period various central institutes organi school sations like council educational research ncert number india nos kendriya vidyalayas navodaya increased from further strengthened is not adequate accommodate table below gives details growing upper primary pass out...

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