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picture1_Education Pdf 112478 | Ncfte 2009

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File: Education Pdf 112478 | Ncfte 2009
national curriculum framework for teacher education towards preparing professional and humane teacher national council for teacher education new delhi national curriculum framework for teacher education towards preparing professional and humane ...

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...National curriculum framework for teacher education towards preparing professional and humane council new delhi ncte document published by member secretary wing ii hans bhawan bahadur shah zafar marg printed at press hs kailash colony market preface people in this country have been slow to recognize that is a profession which intensive preparation necessary as it any other concern expressed the university commission report alive its relevance even today professed destiny of india now being shaped her classrooms so did policy on emphasize status reflects socio cultural ethos society said no can rise above level teachers such exhortations are indeed an expression important role played transmitters inspirers promoters man s eternal quest knowledge should expectation be not taken rhetoric but goal constantly striven urgency address ourselves seriously examining issues related well prune theory practice though verily personality learners core foundational issue based order has bearing trans...

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