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picture1_Education Pdf 112427 | 13 Item Download 2022-10-01 14-10-04

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File: Education Pdf 112427 | 13 Item Download 2022-10-01 14-10-04
13 distance education marina stock mcisaac charlotte nirmalani gunawardena arizona state university university of new mexico 13 1 introduction television see 11 7 computer conferencing see chapter 13 e mail ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Distance education marina stock mcisaac charlotte nirmalani gunawardena arizona state university of new mexico introduction television see computer conferencing chapter e mail interactive video satellite telecommunications structured learning in which the stu and multimedia technology are all used dent instructor separated by time place is cur to promote student teacher interaction provide neces rently fastest growing form domestic international sary feedback learner at a because technolo what was once considered special edu gies as delivery systems have been so crucial growth cation using nontraditional now becom research has reflected rather than ing an important concept mainstream driven practice focused on media comparison studies descriptive stud due rapid development courses us ies evaluation reports researchers variety being delivered students vari examined those issues that particular interest ous locations effort serve educational needs administrators programs such populations...

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