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picture1_Education Pdf 112409 | 171688 En Indonesian Curriculum Development Meanin

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File: Education Pdf 112409 | 171688 En Indonesian Curriculum Development Meanin
nd thesecondinternational conference on education and language 2 icel 2014 issn 2303 1417 bandar lampung university ubl indonesia indonesian curriculum development meaning based curriculum and competency based curriculum in the ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Nd thesecondinternational conference on education and language icel issn bandar lampung university ubl indonesia indonesian curriculum development meaning based competency in the context of teaching english subject subandi state islamic institute raden intan corresponding email dr yahoo com abstract as foundation learning process covers matters students experience from inside outside school this article aims at describing developments which consist mbc cbc theoretical dimension practical views a are underpinned by four models curriculums that dualistic model interlocking concentric cyclical meanwhile matter esmc upon thematic syllabus two dimensions describe is incorporated into three to develop skills components selected themes competences however core for character values attached science technology exploring without adequately equipping with key words introduction refers set planning organization aim content material guidance activity achieve particular educational objective republi...

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