the psychological development of the main character of becoming a gang leader through frustration reflections on dashner s the maze runner a final project submitted in partial fulfillment of the ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...The psychological development of main character becoming a gang leader through frustration reflections on dashner s maze runner final project submitted in partial fulfillment requirements for degree sarjana sastra english by yosia puri saputro department faculty languages and arts universitas negeri semarang approval this was approved board examination state university january ctober chairperson dr sri rejeki urip m hum nip secretary galuh kirana dwi areni pd first examiner henrikus joko yulianto ph d second as advisor bambang purwanto third maria johana ari widayanti si dean prof muhammad jazuli ii declaration originality i hereby declare that entitled is my own work has not been any form another or diploma at other institutes information derived from published unpublished acknowledged text list references also given october srn iii motto dedication tetapi jawab tuhan kepadaku cukuplah kasih karunia ku bagimu sebab justru dalam kelemahanlah kuasa menjadi sempurna itu terlebih suka aku...