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picture1_Education Pdf 112345 | Educational Management

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File: Education Pdf 112345 | Educational Management
educational management code bedn 2232 unit i introduction to educational administration and management nature and scope of educational administration definitions differences between management organization administration 1 educational administration doesn t ...

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...Educational management code bedn unit i introduction to administration and nature scope of definitions differences between organization doesn t refer any single process rather different processes or aspects constitute these are planning organizing directing coordinating evaluation is a non profit making task primarily social enterprise as it more concerned with human resources than material an art science the reason that relationship prevailed here can be maintained by set formulae similar general in many ways but also dissimilar complex affair encompasses all levels education its jurisdiction covers forms such formal b adult c d vocational following relating takes place at various central level state district define field which operation organizations activities school effectively utilizing order accomplish s objectives basis for comparison ingmean organized way managing administering people things business group called known authority middle lower top role executive decisive policy i...

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