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picture1_Education Pdf 112248 | Plus One Ped

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File: Education Pdf 112248 | Plus One Ped
1 physical education one paper 3 hours 60 marks part a 24 marks 1 concept of physical education 1 1 meaning and definition of physical education and its aims and ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Physical education one paper hours marks part a concept of meaning and definition its aims objectives need importance modern scope misconception about place in the total process physiological effects i muscular system types muscles ii exercise on circulatory respiratory digestive aspect psychology sports psychological factor affecting performance games achievement motivation methods to motivate players sportsmanship ethics development sportsman b history game sport latest general rules measurement fundamental skills related terminologies important tournaments venues personalities awards c healthful living health objective iii iv v principles vi factors influencing community participation for promotion welfare individual family w h o indian red cross society t association india council child planning hindu kusht nivaran sangh communicable diseases mode transmission essential conditions communication occur cause common alert signals indicating set symptoms prevention spread aids rebies t...

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