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picture1_Education Pdf 112165 | Ej1086270

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File: Education Pdf 112165 | Ej1086270
malaysian online journal of educational science volume 2 issue 4 domain approach an alternative chander siswa um edu my faculty of education university of approach in moral education malaya wanhasmah ...

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...Malaysian online journal of educational science volume issue domain approach an alternative chander siswa um edu my faculty education university in moral malaya wanhasmah assoc professor dr vengadasalam wan hasmah mamat fauziah mail munimah sudramanian yahoo com abstract this paper discusses the use upper secondary school malaysia needs a creative and innovative therefore few forms approaches are used teaching learning research describes which comprises social convention both these domains through various suitable activities based on curriculum content theory is to determine thinking level students keywords introduction vision became one main agendas generally expressively for as national political plan undertaken by government attempts have strong society morally spiritually ethically according malaysians will live together democratic that liberal progressively tolerant be developed country within year among nine major challenges stated fourth emphasizes building ethical values people...

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