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picture1_Educational Psychology Pdf 111755 | Rural Sociology And Educational Psychology

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File: Educational Psychology Pdf 111755 | Rural Sociology And Educational Psychology
1 rural sociology and educational psychology course no extn 111 credit 2 0 2 course content weightage sociology meaning definition 05 rural sociology meaning definition scope importance of rural sociology ...

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...Rural sociology and educational psychology course no extn credit content weightage meaning definition scope importance of in agricultural extension interrelationship between indian society important characteristics difference relationship urban societies social groups classification factors considered formation organization motivation group role stratification functions basis for forms class caste system cultural concepts culture customs folkways mores taboos rituals traditions their values attitudes types attitude institutions major marriage family religion control need change nature dimensions leader behaviour cognitive affective psychomotor domain intelligence affecting notes compiled by prof p b pawar department education k wagh college agriculture nashik personality influencing teaching learning process experience situation elements its principals implication perception suggested reading ray g l communication management dahama o bhatnagar development sandhu a s textbook on chitamb...

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