File: Education Pdf 111737 | A Plan For Secondary Education Csl Io027617
secondary education il iod 10027617 373 54 ed u p 1955 ministry of education 1955 government of india a plan for secondary education ministry of education government of india 1955 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Secondary education il iod ed u p ministry of government india a plan for j mblication no i f o cover designed hy t k mehta price as or d foreword the need reform and reorganisation edmcation in has been recognised many decades projposals to that effect have under discussion at least jyears there long continuous debates about duration course nature content sylla bus aims objects relation society individual commissions committees hav e examined question time again made recommen datdons which uniformly acclaimed but not generally implemented publication report mudaliar commission highlighted both interest radical re oriientation indian new urgency was giv en task by emergence free democratic republic must on one hand train up large body intermediary leaders who are needed eff ective functioning such state other help seltect smaller band higher leadership guide its overall pollicies decision remodel elementary b sic pattern reorientation educa tio n even more urgent necessary detailed con...