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picture1_Randick Narrativeadlerian

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File: Randick Narrativeadlerian
running head theories of psychotherapy 1 theories of psychotherapy narrative therapy and adlerian theory nicole m randick theories of psychotherapy 2 theories of psychotherapy narrative therapy and adlerian theory narrative ...

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...Running head theories of psychotherapy narrative therapy and adlerian theory nicole m randick approaches to share similar philosophical theoretical roots in fact shares many the same concepts as from a social constructionist perspective watts peluso lewis constructionism is grounded idea that people s truths are derived out context behave life based on their interpretations socially created reality madigan phipps vorster both will be discussed include underpinnings basic techniques make each these unique process along with empirical outcomes support one creating change finally there discussion similarities differences between postmodern concept focuses stories create experiences michael white david epston best known for pioneering movement bringing it north america proposed live multi storied lives interpreting constructing varied ideas were writings research historian philosopher michel foucault he society constructed upon certain discourses through political institutionalized main go...

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