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picture1_Learning Pdf 111025 | Ej1210748

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File: Learning Pdf 111025 | Ej1210748
a content analysis of school counselors legal experiences through self reflective letter writing daniel a decino university of south dakota phillip l waalkes university of missouri st louis w bradley ...

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...A content analysis of school counselors legal experiences through self reflective letter writing daniel decino university south dakota phillip l waalkes missouri st louis w bradley mckibben nova southeastern abstract can write letters to themselves practice reflection and enhance learning from experience using inductive deductive we analyzed how twelve used reflect on their in participants demonstrated wide range depth dimensions implications for future current practices are provided keywords the american counselor association asca notes that face myriad daily professional challenges often complex decisions regarding relationships with principals parents other stakeholders brown armstrong bore simpson preparedness hermann serving needs students communities requires thinking solutions beyond non reactionary behaviors while researchers have suggested narrative be useful tools helping autry walker few considered may use identities better inform work when experiencing issues behalf s natio...

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