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...View metadata citation and similar papers at core ac uk brought to you by provided pepperdine digital commons ppepperepperdine univdine university ersity dine theses dissertations dedevveloping a supplemental eloping rresouresource for trce trauma focused auma cognitivcognitive behae behaviorvioral theral therapists working apists with lesbian gagayy bisexual adolescent sursurvivvivors of interpersonal ors trtrauma paul n perales follow this additional works https digitalcommons edu etd recommended developing resource cognitive behavioral gay survivors dissertation is free open access it has been accepted inclusion in an authorized administrator more information please contact josias bartram anna speth graduate school education psychology clinical presented partial satisfaction the requirements degree doctor august thema bryant davis ph d chairperson written under guidance faculty committee approved its members submitted fulfillment requirement doctoral shelly harrell leslie ross psy c...

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