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picture1_Report Pdf 110928 | Galassi Et Al 2007 Agoraphobia

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File: Report Pdf 110928 | Galassi Et Al 2007 Agoraphobia
brief report cognitive behavioral group treatment for panic disorder with agoraphobia ferdinando galassi silvia quercioli diana charismas valentina niccolai and elisabetta barciulli university of florence cognitive behavioral therapy cbt is ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Brief report cognitive behavioral group treatment for panic disorder with agoraphobia ferdinando galassi silvia quercioli diana charismas valentina niccolai and elisabetta barciulli university of florence therapy cbt is well documented in the or without however little known about efficacy purpose this open study to investigate benefits a combination major behav ioral techniques used several specific versions thus far devel oped psychotherapeutic approach seventy six outpatients meeting diagnostic statistical manual mental disorders third edition revised dsm iii r american psychiatric association criteria were included consisted weekly hr groupsessions an educational component b interocep tive exposure c restructuring d problem solving e vivo patients achieved significant gains on all dimen sions assessed high rate remission im provement associated symptoms furthermore these maintained at months follow up our results suggest feasibility findings raise questions specificity impact each t...

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