failures in psychodynamic psychotherapy jerry gold1 and george stricker2 1 adelphi university 2 argosy university this article addresses the issue of failures in psychodynamic psychotherapy drawing on the clinical and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Failures in psychodynamic psychotherapy jerry gold and george stricker adelphi university argosy this article addresses the issue of drawing on clinical research literatures utilizing our experiences we rst describe dene criteria for success failure treatment then review ve factors that can lead to client therapist technical relationship environmental illustrate presentation with a case example conclude by discussing ways which likelihood be lowered wiley periodicals inc j clin psychol session keywords provides an overview contribute refer empirical literature rely combined experience more than years practice denition psychotherapists have struggled mightily therapeutic large part because also has been elusive freuds early dictum successful psychoanalysis leads enhancement or improvements patients ability love work lieben und arbeiten not improved upon during succeeding century psychoanalytic theorizing shortcoming is crucial central topic as believe psychotherapeutic must at least den...