wise mind worksheet wise mind linehan 1993 is the part of our mind where emotion mind thoughts based on distressing feelings and reasonable mind rational thoughts merge together wise mind ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 29 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Wise mind worksheet linehan is the part of our where emotion thoughts based on distressing feelings and reasonable rational merge together helps us make sense come up with a balanced response so that needs both what i should do want to are met yes right but emotional be soothed usually quietly calm it s inner just knows true or valid you can personalize name such as clear kind d in e m wis driven by opinions personal factual evidence would more interpretations events went through my am thinking disturbed me making advice give friend caring feel this way reacting say really important worst thing about seems there think could happen likely facts ve felt feeling before got stopp take breath does bigger picture will consequences reaction short long term going best situation for others most helpful effective all things considered www get gg carol vivyan permission use therapy purposes getselfhelp co uk...