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picture1_Education Pdf 109688 | 1032028 References

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File: Education Pdf 109688 | 1032028 References
daftar pustaka american psychiatric association 2000 diagnostic and statistical manual iv text revision dsm iv tr washington dc apa atkinson rita l richard c atkinson ernest l hilgard 1991 introduction ...

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...Daftar pustaka american psychiatric association diagnostic and statistical manual iv text revision dsm tr washington dc apa atkinson rita l richard c ernest hilgard introduction to psychology new york harcourt brace jovanovich inc beck aaron t depression clinical experimental theoretical aspect harper row publishers cognitive therapy of the guildford press a causes treatment philadelphia university pennsylvania steer r brown g k bdi ii inventory nd ed boston harcour company christensen larry b methodology allyn bacon davison dan neale j m abnormal th john wiley sons furze cardiac misconceptions problem in need research fellow british heart foundation care education group department health sciences roebuck bull p lewin thompson d comparison illness beliefs people with angina their peers questionnaire study bmc cardiovasc disord howell david methods for pacific grove ca duxbury leventhal howard diefenbach michael elaine cognition using common sense understand adherence affect interaction...

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