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picture1_Rational Emotive Theory Of Counselling Pdf 109240 | Unit 2

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File: Rational Emotive Theory Of Counselling Pdf 109240 | Unit 2
assessment in counselling and guidance unit 2 individual and group techniques in counseling and guidance structure 2 0 introduction 2 1 objectives 2 2 theoretical approaches of counseling 2 2 ...

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...Assessment in counselling and guidance unit individual group techniques counseling structure introduction objectives theoretical approaches of psychodynamic approach role the counsellor affective goals behavioural cognitive rational emotive therapy ret ct process establishing relationship with client problem identification exploration planning for solving solution application termination size establishment goal productivity realisation leaders different stance therapist gestalt similarities differences let us sum up end questions suggested readings is a that involves interpersonal relationships helps clients to become more self directive responsible though began as person too has long distinguished history joseph hersey pratt generally credited starting first tuberculosis patients over counselors have wide variety theories choose effective scrutinise its effectiveness match them personal beliefs about nature people change most fall within four broad categories each category comprises s...

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