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...The emmbodiedd self soomatic methoods forr emmdr prractitiooners bainbrridge institute for integrativve psychhology sandrra paulsenn phd embodied somatic methods emdr practitioners page therapy sandra paulsen ph d introductory remarks announcements who we are why here three legs of tripod tempo work special guest tim iistowanohptaakiiwa ma native american traditionalist is sympatico with understandings way beings intended as a gift teaching and grounding to assist in resourcing tteach how healing similar not foisting particular spiritual path if it doesn t fit let go s background two decades dissociation my training year each experiencing peter levine transformation sharon stanley emphasis on developmental trauma attachment both emphasize move back forth between traumatic material resourced state titrate amount catalyzed cleared standard protocol highly robust many clients can tolerate affect or sensation gentle incorporate without compromising advanced skills complex cases pacing slow...