File: Logotherapy Pdf 108704 | The Effectiveness Of Logotherapy Program En
international journal of psychology psychological therapy 2013 13 3 357 371 printed in spain all rights reserved copyright 2013 aac the effectiveness of logotherapy program in alleviating the sense of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...International journal of psychology psychological therapy printed in spain all rights reserved copyright aac the effectiveness logotherapy program alleviating sense meaninglessness paralyzed patients angelina m julom rosalito de guzman university santo tomas philippines abstract several studies have documented elevated levels general this which victor frankl termed as existential vacuum has been interfering with rehabilitation process realizing devastating effect on physical and spiritual dimensions person researcher study developed a for randomly selected philippine orthopedic center quezon city purpose life pil regard index lri tests are two instruments utilized to determine level or meaning participants before after intervention t dependent independent sample means revealed significant differences between pre post treatment mean scores experimental group s were able move out completion while members control remained same result demonstrates that help it is possible find even when co...