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picture1_Ect Pdf 108644 | Psychiatry 01

picture2_Ect Pdf 108644 | Psychiatry 01 picture3_Ect Pdf 108644 | Psychiatry 01

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File: Ect Pdf 108644 | Psychiatry 01
.au (Affix identification label here) URN: Electroconvulsive Therapy Family name: , no part of this work may be (ECT) Consent Given name(s): 1968 Adult (18 years and over) Address: Facility: ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Au affix identification label here urn electroconvulsive therapy family name no part of this work may be ect consent given s adult years and over address facility date birth sex m f i copyright act the state queensland health a does patient have capacity e risks specific to in not having o request permission email ip officer qld gov t yes go ii doctor clinician document practitioner must greatest extent possible follow an advance directive ahd if it is consistent except as permitted under reproduced communicated or adapted without from healthwith appropriate safe clinical practice valid applicable iii b has been sighted copy medical record will need sight prior administration currently subject treatment authority forensic order support section otherwise proceed with apply mental review tribunal alternative options mhrt for either included information sheet binding margin including via but approved write per mhr approval cannot administered interpreter required do provided translation i...
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