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picture1_Dbt Pdf 108553 | Dbt Distress Tolerance Grp 3 Handouts

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File: Dbt Pdf 108553 | Dbt Distress Tolerance Grp 3 Handouts
distress tolerance handout 4 distress tolerance worksheets 2 2a373 27 3p p stop skill stop do not just react stop freeze do not move a muscle your emotions may try ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Distress tolerance handout worksheets a p stop skill do not just react freeze move muscle your emotions may try to make you act without thinking stay in control take step back from the situation break let go deep breath feelings impulsively observe notice what is going on inside and outside are thoughts others saying or doing proceed mindfully with awareness deciding consider other people s think about goals ask wise mind which actions will it better worse note adapted an unpublished worksheet by francheska perepletchikova seth axelrod their permission dbt skills training handouts second edition marsha m linehan copyright permis sion photocopy this granted purchasers of manual for personal use individual clients only see page ii packet details b pp distracting way remember these phrase accepts activities focus attention task need get out meal eat favorite food done call friend rent movies watch tv listen ipod download music clean room house build something find event spend time childre...

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