psychotherapy theory research practice training copyright 2004 by the educational publishing foundation 2004 vol 41 no 2 180 189 0033 3204 04 12 00 doi 10 1037 0033 3204 41 ...
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...Psychotherapy theory research practice training copyright by the educational publishing foundation vol no doi gestalttherapy past present andresearch laurae wagner moore university of massachusetts at boston orthodox gestalt therapy suffered a classical and rather unfortunate fate perls s eccentricities has been poorly articulated fritz simultaneously praised for techniques have received minimal his creative exuberance criticized aspects empirical validation these weaknesses style that simply defy term scientifi are in part consequence f cally derived perlsian form primarily embodies history per biographical which led sonality himself than scientific to an integration disparate structured empirically or theoretically theoretical models were consistent model exacerbated haphazard is intellectually fascinating philosoph ically complex set diverse but articu idiosyncratic personal however lated substantiated beliefs recent suggests conversely it interesting actual chair technique superior...