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picture1_Cbt Pdf 108293 | Cbt Meta Analysis Accepted Manuscript

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File: Cbt Pdf 108293 | Cbt Meta Analysis Accepted Manuscript
efficacy of cbt for gad in different age groups 1 running head efficacy of cbt for gad in different age groups cognitive behavior therapy for generalized anxiety disorder is cbt ...

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...Efficacy of cbt for gad in different age groups running head cognitive behavior therapy generalized anxiety disorder is equally efficacious adults working and older naoko kishita phd ken laidlaw school health sciences university east anglia department clinical psychology norwich medical author note correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to professor nr tj e mail k uea ac uk abstract the current meta analysis compared between people addition we conducted a qualitative content treatment protocols used studies with clients explore potential factors that may enhance outcomes particular client group applying inclusion criteria resulted identification comparisons control patients when examining overall effect sizes there were no statistically significant differences outcome however size was moderate g ci large suggesting still room improvement main difference two related methodological quality an intention treat design demonstrated according robust but did not take accoun...

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