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picture1_Justice Pdf 107231 | Bernstein Presentation Bctp 2011

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File: Justice Pdf 107231 | Bernstein Presentation Bctp 2011
treating the untreatable treating the untreatable schema therapy for schema therapy for psychopaths and other psychopaths and other forensic personality disorder forensic personality disorder patients patients david p bernstein ph ...

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...Treating the untreatable schema therapy for psychopaths and other forensic personality disorder patients david p bernstein ph d department of clinical psychological science maastricht university psychiatric center de rooyse wissel expertise psychiatry dank u wel centers van der hoeven oostvaarders kijvelanden veldzicht mesdag fpk assen netherlands ministry justice centrum forensische psychiatrie wetenschappelijk onderzoek en documentatiecentrum faculty psychology neuroscience many therapists researchers administrative personnel that are participating in this project emotionless one psychopathic patient broke down crying at a onepsychopathic memorial fellow had died aids on another occasion he confessed couldn t sleep night because worried his mother might be killed by drug dealers were after him who was convicted rape became overwhelmed anxiety session said now realized how terrified women howterrified previously problems with sexual performance psychopathy predominant views is based h...

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