File: Evolution Of Language Pdf 105975 | Gil Item Download 2022-09-24 17-06-30
what is there to learn in riau indonesian idiomaticity in isolating monocategorial associational language david gil in recent publications gil 2005a b to appear i have argued that riau indonesian ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What is there to learn in riau indonesian idiomaticity isolating monocategorial associational language david gil recent publications a b appear i have argued that approaches albeit without actually attaining an ideal prototype referred as ima defined follows morphologically no word internal morphological structure syntactically distinct syntactic categories c semantically construction specific rules of semantic interpretation compositional semantics relying exclusively on the association operator hurford email conversation presented which author asks me various questions about my analysis and its implications for evolution concludes with following exchange beside vocabulary how come you need full time teacher grammar narrow chomskyan sense set well formed strings can be learned less than hour but still order able mistaken native speaker down dark alley d spend years learning lexicon phonetics most interestingly nebulous domain sometimes being say something not just grammatical also sty...