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picture1_Learning English Speaking Pdf 105722 | 217620 Teaching And Learning Process Of Speakin

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File: Learning English Speaking Pdf 105722 | 217620 Teaching And Learning Process Of Speakin
teaching and learning process of speaking 1 2 3 henny susanty dewi ritonga and puan tursina 1stkip muhammadiyah aceh barat daya 2stkip muhammadiyah aceh barat daya 3stkip muhammadiyah aceh barat ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Teaching and learning process of speaking henny susanty dewi ritonga puan tursina stkip muhammadiyah aceh barat daya email gmail com abstract this study was investigated the language in terms ri whdfklqj pdwhuldov phwkrgv dqg ohduqlqj dvvhvvphqwv wr wkh vwxghqwv dw mtsn blangpidie academic years a descriptive research two english teachers who taught at were participated an interview used to collect data recorded transcribed coded based on problems finding showed that south west various materials strategies also assessments keywords methods introduction change is very includes four important if skills listening reading someone wants master she or writing one most he must learn how say something difficult aspects for students thornbury conclusion hardly surprising when considers skill can be everything involved express what student going ideas use there are factors provide grammar vocabulary pronunciation as good effectiveness they well reacting institutional teacher person you communica...

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