chapter 2 literature review 2 1 introduction dialectology can be approached in many ways the tradition has been to look at dialectology in connection with history and development of the ...
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...Chapter literature review introduction dialectology can be approached in many ways the tradition has been to look at connection with history and development of language certain geographical locations newer approach is emphasise on social variations synchronic usage a particular especially urban areas this draws attention relationship between these two approaches globally locally malay specifically spoken sabah or dialect smd study dialects how sounds words grammatical forms vary from one other within single layman s definition non standard low status often rustic form compared it generally associated peasantry working class groups lacking prestige no written regarded as some kind deviation norm an aberration correct hand communication which more prestigious than chambers trudgill wardhaugh argues that size community speakers smaller whereas hudson thinks actually may differ another usually those nature differences are viewed continua there types namely continuum degree varies place but...