144 the reading matrix an international online journal volume 16 number 2 september 2016 english as a lingua franca reflections on elf related issues by pre service english language teachers ...
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...The reading matrix an international online journal volume number september english as a lingua franca reflections on elf related issues by pre service language teachers in turkey esma biricik deniz cukurova university yonca ozkan yasemin bayyurt bogazici abstract leading position of global has evidently been continuing for several decades this pivotal role inevitably influencing agenda teaching and teacher education most domains profession although implications practices are increasingly researched they still remain fairly untrodden territory very aim study endeavored to shed lights programs through exploration perceptions questionnaire interviews findings revealed that large participants accepted realities however stated their perspectives were largely shaped inner circle native norms significant involving instructors students curriculum designers material developers keywords introduction world englishes standard rapid spread communication fostered big controversy about status terms u...