exploration of approaches to arabic named entity recognition husamelddin a m n balla and sarah jane delany technological university dublin school of computer science dublin ireland http www tudublin ie ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Exploration of approaches to arabic named entity recognition husamelddin a m n balla and sarah jane delany technological university dublin school computer science ireland http www tudublin ie sarahjane abstract the ner task has attracted signicant attention in natural language processing nlp as it can enhance performance many applications this paper we compareenglishnerwitharabicnerinanexperimentalwaytoinves tigate impact using dierent classiers sets features includ ing independent specic explore on ve datasets compare deep neural network architectures for with more traditional machine learning discover that most techniques fea tures used english perform well our results highlight improvements achieved by keywords introduction namedentityrecognition istheprocessofidentifyingthepropernames text classifying them one set predened categories interest there are three universally accepted which names locations people organisations other common such recogni tion time date expressions measures...