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picture1_Italian Study Guide

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File: Italian Study Guide
basic italian vocabulary grammar vocabulary personality character 2 physical characteristics 2 hair hairstyle haircut 2 clothing 3 work professions 3 internal inside 4 external outside 4 geography 5 the city ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Basic italian vocabulary grammar personality character physical characteristics hair hairstyle haircut clothing work professions internal inside external outside geography the city places vehicles means of transportation to ask for directions animals utensils eating food fruit vegetables condiments adjectives describing things sports equipment what s weather like parts body health symptoms conditions how you feel avere essere days week months year holidays verbs are ere ire isco riflessivi common irregular passato prossimo irregulari present presente continuous gerundio progressivo past simple imperfect imperfetto perfect trapassato future futura semplice futuro anteriore conditional condizionale composto subjunctive congiuntivo imperative imperativo historical remoto personalita carattere gentile nice kind scortese rude impolite buono good cattivo bad simpatico antipatico unpleasant generoso generous avaro tirchio stingy mean calmo calm nervoso nervous divertente funny serio serious s...

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