Russian verbs of motion: An Introduction to determi- nate and Indeterminate verbs. Russian verbs of motion:: An Introduction to determi- nate and Indeterminate verbs. Abstract This programed textbook introduces Russian imperfective verbs of motion. The text ex- plains the verbs and includes questions in the text with blanks for the student to fill in. The answers are found on the following pages. The book is ...
Frame Semantics of Russian and Italian Verbs: ∗ Advantages and Limitations Roberta Pittaluga 1 Mikhail Marusenko 1 Tatiana Noskova 2 1Saint Petersburg State University, 2Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation Abstract This paper aims to analyse the process of creating a frame that reects the semantics of Russian and Italian verbs. During the creation ...
Teaching Russian Verbs of Motion through Early Cinema, Kendall 1 Abstract This paper offers an approach for teaching verbs of motion to intermediate students of Russian that makes use of a combination of film clips and interviews with native speakers. These verbs are particularly difficult to teach, because they complicate the language’s aspect system, and they express surprisingly precise ideas that English speakers often ...
[Mechanical Translation, Vol.6, November 1961] The Morphological Abstraction of Russian Verbs by Milos Pacak*, assisted by Antonina Boldyreff, Institute of Languages and Linguistics, Georgetown University 1. The purpose of this paper is the establishment of classes of verb- als according to the morphemic alternations of base-form finals; 2. Verbals which are subject to morphemic alternation are treated as single entries instead of as multiple ...
Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: Proceedings of the International Conference “Dialogue 2016” Moscow, June 1–4, 2016 . . ( Scrapinghub, , . . ( . . , , . : , , - , , Word SenSe diSambiguation for ruSSian VerbS uSing Semantic VectorS and dictionary entrieS Lopukhin K. A. ( Scrapinghub, Moscow, Russia Lopukhina . . ( V. V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Word ...
SLAVICAHELSINGIENSIA35 Festschrift in Honour of Professor Arto Mustajoki on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday Ed. by Jouko Lindstedt et al. Helsinki 2008 ISBN 978-952-10-5136-4 (paperback), ISBN 978-952-10-5137-1 (PDF), ISSN 0780-3281 Laura A. Janda (University of Tromso) Metonymy via Perfectivization of Russian Verbs 1. Introduction Though a great deal of attention has been paid to metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics, yielding a clear and largely ...
NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 7, ISSUE 3, Mar. -2021 COGNITIVE ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN LANGUAGES IN THE CONTEXT OF IDIOMS AND POLYSEMANTIC VERBS Sakbaeva Vitaliya Vladimirovna Termez branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov Teacher at “Uzbek Language and Literature” Department., contact number: +99891 230 22 ...
Russian Verbs to know (znat') to think (dumat') to come (prikhodit') to put (klast') to take (brat') to find (nakhodit') to listen (slushat') to work (rabotat') to talk (govorit') to give (davat') to like (nravitsya) to help (pomogat') to love (lyubit') to wait (zhdat') to stand (stoyat') to sit (sidet') ...