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File: Arabic Vowels Pdf 105033 | 007 Icll2014 1 004
v79 7 doi 10 7763 ipedr 2014 disquisition of long and short vowels in colloquial arabic 1 2 iramsabir norah hadi alsaeed 1assistant professor dept of english college of administrative ...

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...V doi ipedr disquisition of long and short vowels in colloquial arabic iramsabir norah hadi alsaeed assistant professor dept english college administrative humanities al jouf university saudi arabia e mail dr iramameen gmail com vice dean norapoetry hotmail abstract the goal this study is to investigate language has three with forms a i u are called fatha kasra damma typically not written except sacred texts alif yeh waaw all participants undergraduate students from level administration ksa data base words were collected different regions there some examples found ways analyze them g bal adult lif gentle maulud born zhrh flower sn tooth b love attempts these statistical work for each other their representation included analysis results key introduction great history inheritance fields literature it also extensively used over muslim world belongs semitic group languages which includes like hebrew amharic although an official status countries spoken by more than million people s second m...

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