File: Hindi Consonants Pdf 104928 | Ijetr April 2014 Stet 02
national conference on synergetic trends in engineering and technology stet 2014 international journal of engineering and technical research issn 2321 0869 special issue acoustic study of hindi unaspirated stop consonants ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...National conference on synergetic trends in engineering and technology stet international journal of technical research issn special issue acoustic study hindi unaspirated stop consonants consonant vowel cv context r p sharma i khan o farooq classification are also needed for the abstract this paper addresses knowledge based approach proper selection cues initial position a clearly contributes to performance cvc with three following furthermore should be meaningful sense that vowels u eight classes different place they related human speech production theory articulations have been taken several researchers examined roles played by syllables parameters such as voice onset time vot identification various burst duration bd frequency bf formant transition ftd ftf categories occupying positions syllable vc steady state ssf measured from wave vcv etc form spectrum spectrogram preceding cued results show all has attributes bursts periodic its lowest value when followed highest laryngeal vibra...