department of studies in hindi manasgangotri mysore 06 karnataka india moto c c vision to be a model hindi department by brining the students to the fore front of hindi ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Department of studies in hindi manasgangotri mysore karnataka india moto c vision to be a model by brining the students fore front literature language and research field mission impart relevant high quality education inculcate values indian culture teach self reliance service unique optional with its role administration mass communication establishment post graduate came into existence year thanks herculean efforts visionaries like prof n nagappa m rajeshwaraiah dr hiranmay s krishnamurthy dakshinamurthy who opened gates knowledge one all country making available course faculty shashidhar l gudigenavar specialization dalit sahitya old chairman professor poetry functional comparative bhasha ka itihas ph d b ed email sgudigenavar yahoo modern medieval pratibha mudliar translation mahila lekhan gender journalism litt dip trans co vasanthi satire history asst bharteeya mv achievements honours recognition g martand bharati prayag national award central directorate sarswat samman sammmelan b...