filozoficka fakulta univerzity palackeho comparison of expression of verbal tense and aspect in english and vietnamese bakalaska prace 2016 thu phuong ngoova filozoficka fakulta univerzity palackeho katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Filozoficka fakulta univerzity palackeho comparison of expression verbal tense and aspect in english vietnamese bakalaska prace thu phuong ngoova katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky autor studijni obor anglicka filologie vedouci jeffrey keith parrott ph d poet stran znak olomouc prohlasuji e jsem tuto diplomovou praci vypracovala samostatn uvedla uplny seznam citovane pouite literatury pokud neni eeno jinak peklady vsech cizojazynych citaci v teto jsou me vlastni olomouci dne i would like to thank my supervisor for his guidance patience also parents their support inspiration abstract this thesis is time with focus on both languages are considered analytic nevertheless they express features different means uses inflectional suffixes the verb some expressions auxiliaries but has no affixation whatsoever thus particles adverbials temporal aim give general typology these discuss compare greater detail key words morphology inflection adverbial particle...