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...Toward a syntactic classification of french prepositions annual meeting the canadian linguistic association june michelle troberg problem typologies based on morphosyntactic semantic and distributional properties functional mixed mixtes lexical pleines nominal locutions adverbial vides inco colorees selects dp lores at avec with contre against derriere behind en face de facing dessus atop from dans in parmi among avant before au pied dessous below par by way vers somewhere devant front foot dedans inside pour for around cote beside dehors outside sans without chez house sur sous under cadiot cervoni le pesant melis vager others question this paper grew out concrete need what might be good practical formalization pps descriptive unifying predictive proposal apply facts to extended pp koopman den dikken svenonius et subseq context surprisingly little work axial expressions see roy matushansky zwarts real puigdollers ursini tse p l eveille alexander renaud saucier orphan orientation focus...