abstracts metaphor is a figurative language that takes two different things by identifying one with another by using metaphor it helps the speakers or the writers to give a clear ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Abstracts metaphor is a figurative language that takes two different things by identifying one with another using it helps the speakers or writers to give clear description through comparison this research aims at finding in novel notebook nicholas sparks purpose of get form and meaning sentences had been analyzed data have taken from all pages then they are identified terms their forms based on wakde v frqfhsw dqg dqdo hg e orrpilhog derxw phwdskru method which used for study descriptive collecting writer focuses sentence phrases words result shows metaphors found nominative subjective objective predicative these contain certain depending where located key semantic analyze pendahuluan dalam hubungannya dengan menganalisis suatu makna bloomfiled menyebutkan bahwa dapat dilihat dari dua bagian yang pertama harafiah dan kedua metafora berikut ini merupakan contoh kalimat untuk membedakan tersebut kata ololq adalah sebuah benda berguna menerangi kegelapan vxdwx uxdqjdq hwlnd vhvhrudqj ehu...