Part I Methodologies HH Field Methods In an early discussion of linguistic methodology, William Labov classied the different subelds of linguistics according to whether their practitioners were primarily to be found working in “the library, the bush, the closet, the laboratory . . . [or] the street” (Labov 1972: 99). The library was the provenance of the historical linguist, the remote and sparsely populated bush the venue of the anthropological linguist, the laboratory the home of the psycholinguist, and the closet the ...
William Labov Bibliography Books The Social Stratification of English in New York City. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1966. 2006. Second edition: Cambridge/Cambridge U. Press. The Study of Nonstandard English. Washington, DC: National Council of Teachers of English, 1969. The Study of Non-Standard English. Champaign, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 1970. Sociolinguistic Patterns. Philadelphia: U. of Pennsylvania Press, 1972. Spanish translation Modelos Linguisticos. Madrid: Editions de Catedra. French translation, Sociolinguistique. Paris: Editions de Minuit. Language ...
LINGUISTICS 160 Language, Culture, and Society STUDY QUESTIONS FOR THE FINAL EXAM (April 22, 2014) Note: In connection with some of the sections you will be asked to comment on the examples identified. These examples will be given to you in the exam as shown in the textbook. INTRODUCTION: WHAT DO SOCIOLINGUISTS STUDY? In referring to Chomsky’s definition of linguistic theory (1965), point out the difference between the approaches by theoretical linguists and sociolinguists. Refer to the views of ...
ISSN 1798-4769 Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 682-687, September 2020 DOI: Narrative Structure Analysis: A Story from “Hannah Gadsby: Nanette” Yue Wang University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia Abstract—According to Labov’s (1972) narrative elements, this paper attempts to analyze one narrative of Hannah Gadsby’s farewell stand-up show. And will discourse how a comedian combines humor with the idea in a story. Narrative structure analysis is ...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 82 Ninth International Conference on Applied Linguistics (CONAPLIN 9) Language Varieties Analysis of Dialect Differences in Bahasa Dawan Yabes Olbata Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Soe ABSTRACT-This study aims at finding out and describing the conditioning environments for various phonological rules, dialect differences of Bahasa Dawan (Uab Meto) used by such as final consonant deletion (e.g., Labov, 1972; Preston, Timorese in Soe and how do ...