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File: Economics Pdf 104365 | 16371534908975d9d936efc680ac3c1a4547024834
list of recommended text books for the current session senior classes economics 1 macmillan senior secondary economics restructured in line with latest nerdc curriculum by f o ogwumike david ekpenyong ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...List of recommended text books for the current session senior classes economics macmillan secondary restructured in line with latest nerdc curriculum by f o ogwumike david ekpenyong olu olofin and m alo essential schools c e ande agricultural science prescribed omoruyi s a et al extension modern sss egbuna k geography comprehensive certificate colleges revised edition benson iboaya collins atlas nigeria r notes on fourth gospel selected epistles section jamb unified tertiary matriculation examinations ss one onoiribholo holy bible standard version book keeping cosmopolitan entrepreneurship trade subjects series babalola gbenga hameed zainab chuwill okafor financial accounting ibrahinand kazeem physics new system school w anyakoha ph d practical inegbenoise t biology textbook johnson ugoji anyaele master chris u ugenyi iec team second examination focus wassce ssce egunyemi english language intensive test orals ogoanah n oxford advanced learner dictionary catch up ume hebn publishing com...

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