File: Danish Grammar Pdf 104204 | 11a Lauermapetri
debreceni egyetem folia uralica debreceniensia 26 finnugor nyelvtudomanyi tanszek debrecen 2019 observations on the finnish grammar of rasmus rask petri lauerma institute for the languages of finland helsinki petri lauerma ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Debreceni egyetem folia uralica debreceniensia finnugor nyelvtudomanyi tanszek debrecen observations on the finnish grammar of rasmus rask petri lauerma institute for languages finland helsinki kotus fi though famous danish scholar was one founders comparative indo european linguistics his studies also cov ered many non in book origin old norse or icelandic language compared to various and concluded that is related germanic romance slavic but not hungarian greenlandic started this study as early when academy sciences announced a competition origins scandinavian it project led later he more interested other finno ugric especially saami whose possible relationship with puzzled hovdhaugen karlsson hen riksen sigurd hakli s earliest notes are from years these were based conducted own found first teacher during trip stockholm met franz mikael franzen poet historian clergyman who had written dissertation worked abo university before fled sweden after occupation by russia five another opportu...