get help and support a level visit our website for information guidance support and resources at aqa org uk 7707 english you can talk directly to the english language and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Get help and support a level visit our website for information guidance resources at aqa org uk english you can talk directly to the language literature subject team e gce t specification teaching from september onwards exams in may june version december copyright its licensors all rights reserved retains on publications including specifications however schools colleges registered with are permitted copy material this their own internal use g education is charity number company limited by guarantee england wales address devas street manchester m ex contents introduction why choose teach glance content telling stories exploring conflict making connections scheme of assessment aims objectives weightings non exam marking criteria administration supervising authenticating avoiding malpractice teacher standardisation annotation submitting marks factors affecting individual students keeping work moderation after general entries codes overlaps other qualifications awarding grades reporting re...