File: Pdf Language 104153 | Einst Keeletrykis Eng Koosveebi
estonian language text sven erik soosaar urmas sutrop estonian institute translation kristi lahne illustrations and layout piia ruer is pu is p estonian language once upon a time there were ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Estonian language text sven erik soosaar urmas sutrop institute translation kristi lahne illustrations and layout piia ruer is pu p once upon a time there were very many people around they could not get along o grandather decided to dipere them the world give all their own cutom name each nation had gather on auldron ill receive tongue et aout coo ing ut water hadn t even tarted oiling when firt arrived loo at you have got up early i li e that ou mut yourelve my your too thoe diligent coure etonian thi how aehlmann cooking of tongues keelte keetmine in original mother po en approimately oo including y little over million ew doen novel other etonia thee pulication are iued numer annually undred tranlated maller than population london rom mot european erlin well apanee hinee araic etc alo ued daily pulihed couple hundred thouand who variou private etonianlanguage do pea it radio tation addition ulic roadcating epatriate offpring film inland sweden anada usa releaed every year ha autralia...