File: Pdf Hindi Translation 104101 | Hindi Prochandan 2021
faculty member dept of hindi university of delhi first name chandan last name kumar photo designation professor address room no 247 faculty of arts extension building university of delhi delhi ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Faculty member dept of hindi university delhi first name chandan last kumar photo designation professor address room no arts extension building phone o email workzoom gmail com educational qualifications degree institution ph d year m phil post graduation kirorimal college graduate diploma in bap mhrd new translation english career profile principal satyawati associate zakir husain evening senior assistant administrative assignments deputy dean student s welfare north campus south representative under statute c i on the governing body sri aurobindo st stephen treasurer chairman nominated executive council management committee mansarovar hostel act xx areas interest specialization theatre performing art documentary short film making pre production cultural study with reference to eastern states bharat higher education system outcome based curriculum for research guidance eleven students eight publications title publication type author co book paper sathottree natak par authored brecht k...