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picture1_Pdf Language 103922 | Language Hub Scope And Sequence Beginner1

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File: Pdf Language 103922 | Language Hub Scope And Sequence Beginner1
contents lesson objectives grammar vocabulary pronunciation reading listening speaking writing u1 nice to meet you say hello p2 present simple countries syllables and listen to a registration at a complete ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Contents lesson objectives grammar vocabulary pronunciation reading listening speaking writing u nice to meet you say hello p present simple countries syllables and listen a registration at complete short conversation talk about where re be i numbers syllable stress language school with your partner from what s job jobs contractions read emails new hub introduce friend he she it key skill identifying personal information pronouns cafe greet people word wat ch someone others how are intonation give unit review fill in form using capital letters our music world they languages some musicians favourite we nationalities on playlist musician possessive adjectives when free wh questions days of the week conversations context an...

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