using english acoustic models for hindi automatic speech recognition 1 1 1 anik dey ying li pascale fung 1 human language technology center department of engineering and computer engineering the ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Using english acoustic models for hindi automatic speech recognition anik dey ying li pascale fung human language technology center department of engineering and computer the hong kong university science clear water bay adey ust hk eewing ee abstract bilingual speakers often mix together in their everyday conversations this motivates us to build a recognizer purpose we need well trained recognizers training our have at disposal many hours annotated data however very limited resources therefore paper are proposing methods rapid development i replace ii adapting from maximum likelihood linear regression propose driven both substitution adaptation proposed has an accuracy recognizing isolated words keywords substituiton proceedings rd workshop on south southeast asian natural processing sanlp pages coling mumbai december introduction is one most widely spoken languages world it major india linguistically speaking its form identical urdu pakistan approximately million people speak worldwid...