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File: P15 1001
onusingverylargetargetvocabularyfor neural machine translation sebastien jean kyunghyuncho yoshuabengio rolandmemisevic universite de montreal universite de montreal cifarseniorfellow abstract its translation the whole neural network is jointly neural machine translation a recently ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Onusingverylargetargetvocabularyfor neural machine translation sebastien jean kyunghyuncho yoshuabengio rolandmemisevic universite de montreal cifarseniorfellow abstract its the whole network is jointly a recently trained to maximize conditional probability of proposed approach transla correct given source sentence us tion based purely on networks ing bilingual corpus nmt models have has shown promising results compared showntoperform as well most widely used existing approaches such phrase conventional systems sutskever et al statistical bahdanau spite recent success number limitation in handling advantages over larger vocabulary training complex system specically ity decoding complexity koehn first requires crease proportionally tar minimal set domain knowledge for instance get words this paper we propose all method importance sampling or kalchbrenner that allows use very large target vo and blunsom do not assume any linguis cabulary without increasing com tic property both sentences...

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