zurich open repository and archive university of zurich university library strickhofstrasse 39 ch 8057 zurich www zora uzh ch year 2003 german prepositions and their kin a survey with respect ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Zurich open repository and archive university of library strickhofstrasse ch www zora uzh year german prepositions their kin a survey with respect to the resolution pp attachment ambiguities volk martin abstract this paper surveys relatives contracted pronomi nal adverbs reciprocal pronouns we elaborate on corpus frequencies for these properties show that can be handled together they an overall tendency towards noun but pronominal verb therefore must treated separately posted at zoraurl https doi org conference or workshop item originally published in linguistic dimensions use computational linguistics formalisms applications toulouse stockholm department se ling su weekly computer science newspaper ad dition training prepared sentence manually pro notated syntax trees from treebank nouns extracted over test cases am biguously positioned pps evaluation prepo disambiguation method will call sitions cz set as basis study surveyed ger tachment man checked wardstheverbandthereforemustbetre...