File: Language Pdf 103748 | Sulc 2014 Proceeding Balay
balay 1 code switching from amharic to english in bilinguals bath el balay abstract this paper focuses on code switching cs done by bilingual speakers of amharic and english focusing ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Balay code switching from amharic to english in bilinguals bath el abstract this paper focuses on cs done by bilingual speakers of and focusing exclusively codes is the national language ethiopia however instruction high schools post secondary institutions with classes being part curriculum elementary creates a bilingualism that makes an inevitable discourse there little research linguistic phenomena as it relates explores practice raises questions nature its grammaticality will be mainly exploring if any grammatical rules are violated either languages switched sentences or phrases information lost process given have very different morphological systems was observed having much richer morphology than often lends affixes words resulting no idea working definition for established followed analysis relevant aspects grammar examples occurrences radio stations news broadcasts political speeches used determine specific environments which can cannot grammatically empirical study demonstrates ...