university grants commission net bureau subject linguistics code no 31 syllabus unit 1 language and linguistics nature of language language in spoken and written modes language as written text philological ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...University grants commission net bureau subject linguistics code no syllabus unit language and nature of in spoken written modes as text philological literary notions i e norm purity their preservation a cultural heritage codification transmission knowledge behavior marker social identity an object notion autonomy structure its units components design features writing system sound alphabetic or syllable syllabic morpheme word logographic sign existence faculty linguistic competence ideal speaker hearer approaches to the study ancient indian greco roman semiotic approach interpretation behaviour use family community country communication communicative functions emotive conative referential poetic metalinguistic phatic cognitive relation with culture thought relativity saussurean dichotomies signifier signified langue parole synchronic diachronic syntagmatic paradigmatic analysis levels hierarchy phonetic phonological morphological syntactic semantic pragmatic interrelations distribution...